JAKARTA (BeritaTrans.com) – Owners of goods (importers) and associated associations must dare to report to the government if they feel harmed by foreign shipping citing the cost of Import Management Equipment (EMI) through its agency in Indonesia.
This was confirmed by the observer Kemititiman of ITS Surabaya, Saut Gurning,
responding to the protests of forwarder and logistics entrepreneurs as representatives of goods owners and GINSI against the cost of EMI.
Contacted BeritaTrans.com, Thursday (9/14/2017), Saut said even though the EMI is B to B tariff, but the government can examine whether the cost of this EMI is in accordance with the regulation of the structure of any port tariff including the voyage.
The cost of EMI is classified as the local rate quoted through the agency. “If the government assesses EMI including the cost of being there, the government will just call a foreign shipping agency to be asked to stop quoting EMI fees.”
Previously, forwarder and logistics companies and GINSI DKI protested the EMI cost of USD 100 / container due to unclear designation and service.
“For which shipping service so it must cite the cost of EMI,” said Chairman of BPD GINSI DKI Capt. Subandi is contacted separately.
Saut Gurning was also surprised that some shipping mentioned EMI to cover the cost of container damage that contained certain commodities.
“The government has arranged container bundles for commodities at high risk of damaging the containers through Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation No. UM 003/40 / II / DJPL-17 dated May 19, 2017. Even already included in the Government Economic Policy Package No. 15 dated June 15 2017, “said Saut Gurning.
The policy basically specifies that the owner of the goods / importers (consignees) no longer need to pay the container bundle at the shipping company / general agent except for the goods may potentially damage the container, or the new consignee using the services of the shipping company.
“The government has arranged the potentially damaging commodity lontainer why foreign shipping agents still attract EMI fees?” Saut said
“Saut asked the government to call foreign voyages / agents to stop the cost of EMI because it is very detrimental to the owner of the goods,” he said.
Moreover, the provision concerning the abolition of container bills until now still violated many voyages. This means that the owner of the goods is twice subject to levy on container money. They must pay EMI also pay deposit bundle money. (wilam)
Sources: http://beritatrans.com/2017/09/14/saut-gurning-komoditas-berisiko-rusak-kontainer-sudah-diatur-kenapa-pelayaran-pungut-emi/
Translated by Aryputra Pande
Originally posted on September 15, 2017 @ 10:25 am
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