Documents Required for Export from Indonesia to Overseas
The documents required for export are determined by the buyer’s request as mentioned at the selected payment event (L/C or other). The exporter must be careful in appropriately fulfilling the requirements of the documents requested in the L/C and seek immediate delivery, in order to avoid delays in payments.
The usual documents required are:
- Export Declaration of Goods (PEB)
- Bill of Lading (B/L), Airway Bill (AWB) or other transport documents such as postel receipt, cargo receipt).
- Invoice
- Packing List
- Certificate of Origin (SKA)
In certain cases it is also necessary:
- Insurance (if requested by buyer)
- · Taxpayer ID number (NPWP)
- · Quality Statement (SPM) or Quality certificate (SM)
- · Export LKP (Truth Examination Report), for products receiving Bapeksta facility or subject to PE (Export Tax) or PET (Export Supplemental Tax).
A. Export Declaration of Goods (PEB)
PEB is the main document that must be filled correctly by obtaining the approval of Customs and Excise. On the basis of SK. Minister of Finance No: 1012/KMK.00/1991 year 1991 on Export Declaration of Goods.
PEB is the only document submitted to Customs and Excise, and is useful for:
- Customs clearance in country/port of origin of goods
- The main document for the purposes of trade statistics
- Export tax stipulation
Complete PEB document consists of 10 sheets with details of 3 extra copies and other 7 sheets for the purposes of:
- Export Bank (original document)
- Bank Indonesia
- Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
- Regional Office of the Department of Commerce
- Finance Department
- Customs and Excises
- Copy for exporter
B. Copy Extras
For exporters subject to Export Tax (PE) and Additional Export Tax (PET) required the ninth sheet for the Directorate General of Monetary.
After the PEB in Fiat is loaded by the customs officials, export commodities are put into the ship, then the shipping party will issue a Bill of Lading (B/L). Before B/L is issued, in the event of loss, damage or other matters to the export commodity, the shipping party can not be held liable.
Meanwhile Article 23a UCP 500 ( Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,) establishes Bill of Lading is a document that clearly indicates the name of the carrier signed by the transporter/agent appointed on behalf of the carrier, indicating that the goods have been loaded aboard with the date of issue. Bill of Lading shows the loading and unloading ports specified in the Letter of Credit and contains the conditions of carriage.
Thus it can be concluded, a sheet of B/L generally there are 3 (three) main elements are:
- Receipt of goods.
- Contract of carriage.
- Statement of ownership of goods.
Judging from its usefulness, we recognize the type of B/L as follows:
- Negotiable B/L or Original B/L,
It is a B/L that can be used as a valuable document for L/C disbursement or can be traded. This type of B/L usually consists of a set (Full Set) namely Original 1,2,3. The law that applies here is if one of the original sheets has been used, then the other sheet is not applicable (One for all, All for One).
The opposite of the Negotiable B/L is Non Negotiable B/L, ie a copy of B/L which can not be used for L/C melting.
- On Board B/L & Receipt B/L
On Board means that the goods have been received on the ship carrying the goods which in principle B / L date is the same as the On Board date. Requests in L / C are generally On Board B/L.
- Receipt B/ L is B/L issued by the carrier as receipt of goods, but not yet received on board deck. The Bank may reject such B/L for L/C disbursement (think of it as a deviation / descrepencies).
- Clean and foul Bill of Lading.
Almost all L/C requirements require Clean B/L which means that in B L there is no record that mentions imperfect packing including its own cargon, such as a breakage of drum, rusted steelbend, Poor packing), shortage of quantity and others.
In short Clean B/L is B/L without additional notes. The opponent of Clean B/L is Foul B/ L, meaning B/L is flawed with additional notes that explain the state of the packing is not perfect and so forth.
- Long Form and Short Form B/ L.
Generally on B/L (backyard), B/L conditions are included which include transport conditions that are unilaterally defined by the voyage. Thus, if there is a difference of opinion between the sender with the carrier or the shipping company, the terms of transportation is what will be the source of reference. This kind of B/L is called Long Form B/L. In this case, if there is a difference of opinion between the sender and the carrier is called the Short Form B/L. In this case if there is a difference of opinion then the law of the country where the shipping company is domiciled that will be used as a source of reference.
- Combined Transport B/L Multimodal B/L and Single Capital B/ L.
It is a type of B/L that utilizes more than a kind of transportation with the same B/L, meaning that after arriving at the destination port it will be forwarded by using 2 or more different types of conveyance (sea, land, air). The opposite of Multi Capital is Single Capital.
- Express B/L
To avoid Stale B/L then use Express B/L ie B L sent by Fax, for that B/L original do not need to be submitted. With Faxed B/L then the item is removed from the port without the need to use the original B/L. There is also another way is to use a bank guarantee that guarantee the maximum 3 months later the original B/L will be submitted.
- Stale B/L
For a short distance such as Jakarta-Singapore the ship will arrive at the port of destination within 1×24 hours so there is a possibility the ship has arrived, but the B/L is late 1 or 2 days. So that B/L becomes stale / Stale, this is called Stale B/L.
- Switch B/ L
In the case of Back to Back L/C, since the intermediary trader / trader does not want the buyer to know the seller’s address, the first B / L listed the actual Shipper name is renamed Trader, the second B/L is no longer the actual shipper type B/L is known as B/L switch (B/L replaced). The first B/L published was called Master B/L.
- Third Party B/L
This is the type of B/L where the other shiper’s name is contained in the L/C, meaning that the first exporter is not able to deliver the goods, so the other party who shipped it.
- Ocean B/L and House B/L
In addition to shipping companies, Forwarding Company may also issue B/L. B/L issued by the shipping company is referred to as Ocean B/L while issued by Forwarding Company is referred to as House B/L.
- Chartered B/L
In addition to shipping companies and Forwarding Company then there is also B / L issued by the party chartering the ship, this type of B / L is known as Chartered B/L.
C. Certificate of Origin (COA) or Certificate of Origin / COO
This certificate states the country of origin of the exported product and is usually requested in terms of contract and / or L/C. There are several provisions that regulate SKA for Indonesian export commodities. This decision letter is accompanied by a decision as the implementation of the provisions concerning SKA expenditures for Indonesian export commodities. This SKA is issued by the Agricultural Quarantine Center for the purpose of exporting Agricultural commodities to foreign countries or the Regional Office of the Department of Trade and the Office of the Department of Commerce.