JAKARTA – The Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI) rejects the dominance of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II / IPC’s involvement in the management as well as the operator at the Port of Patimban Subang West Java, due to the reason that the state-owned port company should focus first on improving governance and port services of Tanjung Priok.
West Java ALFI Chairman Muhamad Nuh Nasution said the government should not directly grant exclusive management rights and majority ownership of shares to Pelindo II to Patimban port operations, but to open the widest opportunity to the national private sector.
“We reject the involvement of BUP (Port Enterprise Entity) such as Pelindo II in the operation and management of Port Patimban. ALFI would like to encourage the opportunity to be given a national private role for that, “he said.
Based on the evaluation of ALFI, he added, Pelindo II still has the responsibility to fix the chaotic and expensive logistics services at the Port of Tanjung Priok Jakarta, including resolving the Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) issue.
Noah said Pelindo II also still have to fix the service at New Priok Container Terminal – One (NPCT-1) which until now complained among logistic businessmen in the Port of Priok.
He said it responded to the government’s statement through Kemenko Maritim and Kemenhub and PT Pelindo II related to the port management of Patimban, West Java.
“So we recommend it (Patimban) should not be dominated by SOEs, the Government should also encourage the national private sector. We are many national private who can afford to that if given the opportunity, “he explained.
Previously, President Director of PT.Pelindo II, Elvyn G. Massasya, said the SOE is still hoping to hold a 51% stake in Port Patimban in Subang, West Java.
“We have already submitted ourselves to be operators, to be on the 51% side, not yet decided (there are other private or not), but we are already purpose,” Elvyn said.
Sources: http://industri.bisnis.com/read/20170925/98/692682/alfi-tolak-dominasi-pelindo-ii-di-patimban
Translated by Aryputra Pande
Originally posted on September 26, 2017 @ 9:33 am
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