Chairman of the Asean Federation of Forwarders Association (AFFA), Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi said the Association and logistics entrepreneurs in ASEAN need a platform to accelerate the movement of logistics goods movements across the country. Based on the idea, it emerged “Hive”, a platform that will support the progress of the logistics industry in ASEAN.
“Hive makes members of logistic associations in ASEAN increasingly harmonious. With this “associate-centric” platform-based technology, this platform enables easy and integrated delivery of ASEAN in order to build closer and more flexible business partnerships, “said Yukki, who is also Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Logistics and Forwarders (ALFI), in Jakarta.
Continue Yukki, “Hive” which is a website platform has a logistics service provider data is displayed in full.
“Hive stores the entire database of logistics service providers, where everyone who has an account at” Hive “can see the company profile, including ratings and recommendations and work experience. Business matching between service users and logistics service providers, “he explained, as reported by
Supported by Global eTrade Services (GeTS) service, Hive has a trusted database and validation for customs authorities anywhere in the world. The “Hive” platform is believed to improve accessibility, predictions and facilities for AFFA members.
“A series of administrative services can add value to cross-border trade with local government authorities,” explained Yukki.
Inside the “Hive” platform, Yukki explained that there are three excellent facilities that encourage the acceleration of logistics system. Among other things, Partner Discovery Service, a social media-based application to find new users and potential business partners.
“This system also allows its users to initiate, or create connections and join collaboration with other companies both at home and abroad amid accelerated logistics system,” said Yukki.
Second is the Trade Compliance Service (TCS), an integrated system to facilitate the completion of trade administration with the relevant government.
“This system helps to reduce complexity in the process of sending and receiving goods, cutting costs, to correct data errors during the input process,” said Yukki.
Next is the Members Management System (MMS), which serves to assist members of the association in the managerial portal and its members. Such as sending important documents and circular automatically.
“The three service facilities provide benefits to the performance of logistics companies, where previously they often have difficulty to run the system but now everything can be integrated in one platform,” said Yukki.
Met on the same occasion the Vice Chairman of ALFI’s Foreign and Education Affairs Council, Siti Aryanti, added that the presence of a single “Hive” platform helps associate members to be able to directly apply advanced manifestes to customs in Japan, Canada and the United States.
Also confirmed by Kettivit Sittisoontornwong, President of Thailand Logistics Association / TIFFA, the use of “HIVE” platform is the first time in this ASEAN region. This is because the created platform brings added value to members. Can start new business, new business partner network with low cost and risk level.
Meanwhile, Alvin Chua, President of Malaysia Logistics Association, said that participation in this platform will bring benefits and benefits to its members.
“Our members will be able to partner easily and can make deliveries more quickly in the associated partner region. It also can generate more added value and help cross border business for us, “he said.
Earlier, AFFA held a meeting in Bangkok on 30 June to sign a memorandum of understanding in order to encourage accelerated acceleration of cross border trade agreements in the ASEAN region.
Yukki explained that the event was attended by 4 groups of logistic associations in ASEAN from a total of 10 associations namely, ILFA (Indonesia), FMFF (Malaysia), SLA (Singapore), TIFFA (Thailand) with a membership of more than 6000 people.
“The total number of logistical associations that joined the AFFA amounted to 10 associations with a total number of companies totaling 10,254,000. Next year AFFA targets that all associations can participate in cross-border cooperation in ASEAN, “concluded Yukki.
Originally posted on July 17, 2017 @ 9:13 am
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