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JAKARTA – PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) is preparing to face the strategic environment changes that surround it, including the end of cooperation between PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III and Dubai World Port in managing the container terminal facility.

Such changes are predicted to have far-reaching impacts on the existence of TPS because the current management will fully run the wheels of the company without any involvement of foreign parties altogether in the future. However, currently 100% of TPS operational activities have been controlled by local personnel.

The cooperation contract between PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III and Dubai Port World (DPW) will end in April 2019.

The National Maritime Institute (NAMARIN) assessed the fundamental changes that will occur in the TPS body should be appreciated given the ability of the nation’s children who are in the TPS in managing the terminal can be relied upon.

“If you look at the data, our local power performance in TPS is not only reliable but even very good. So, I think there will be no problem with terminal performance when DPW is no longer involved in PT TPS management. With their current performance I hope they should be better later on, “said Director of NAMARIN, Siswanto Rusdi, in a press release on Sunday (6/8/2017).

With the change in the composition of TPS management, Siswanto believes that all relevant stakeholders should be able to escort the termination plan (the termination of the cooperation) to avoid any commotion in the future.

“Enough noise in the national port business occurred in Jakarta alone, no need to repeat in Surabaya. Therefore, as a friend in the national maritime community NAMARIN is looking forward to the management of Pelindo III, PT TPS and unionized workers in Tanjung Perak well prepared the process [termination], “he said.

Translated by Aryaputra Pande

Originally posted on August 7, 2017 @ 9:27 am


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