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JAKARTA ( – In 2017, the management of PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) is getting the government’s assignment to navigate 6 Sea Tolerance routes in 2016 and added 1 route in 2017. In the future, Pelni will soon grow to a total of 13 trajectories in all over Indonesia which was prepared by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemhub).

“Of the 13 Sea Toll routes prepared by the MoC is a development route of 6 routes available in 2016,” said Pelni CEO Harry Boediarto to Pelit Harry Boediarto in Jakarta yesterday.

That way, continued Harry, the range of Marine Toll boats served by Pelni as BUMN increasingly widespread and able to reach people in the front, remote and backward in the country.

“There is a change from Pelni’s assignment route, but the changes are not significant. The change is just the routes that are broken into new routes and the addition of new sections into existing routes, “Harry explained again.

Pelni is ready with the change of route. The available routes will involve other state-owned enterprises and private shipping companies through a public tender mechanism by the Ministry of Transportation.

It is planned that Pelni will begin the 2017 Toll sea cruise in mid-January. Pelni has also completed the work of Sea Toll voyage in 2016.

“The total cargo transported by Pelni’s Til Laut vessels reached 4,384 Teu’s and 3,112.75 ton / m3. “They were transported with 54 voyages on the six routes Pelni served,” said Harry.

In 2016, he added, the average factor of the average Tol Toll for the six routes is 81% with a total of 58 ports in Indonesia, “said Harry.


Add 6 Petikmas Vessels

Pelni will add six container ships to strengthen its fleet. The vessel will be financed with a State Capital Investment (PMN) fund in 2015.

“PNM funds will be used for the addition of freight vessels or containers derived from 2015 PMN funds Rp500 billion sebasar. in addition to the freighter will also have a procurement of multipurposes vessels, IT, HR modification vessels with internal funds, “explained Harry accompanied by PR Manager Pelni and Pelni Akhmad Sujadi it.

In the future, added Sujadi, Pelni is not only focusing on passenger ships, but also serving freight or cargo. Of course it also serves the Taryek Tol Laut which is the state’s assignment to Pelni.

“Peni as UMN is ready to support and realize the Toll Sea program that is branched Jokowi-JK Government. It also optimizes passenger ships which is Pelni’s core business. In 2017, the projected number of Pelni passenger ship increased to 27 units, “said Sujadi. (Helmi)

Translated by Aryputra Pande

Originally posted on September 20, 2017 @ 9:04 am


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