MAKASSAR ( – The management of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) IV stated that there is a 50 percent drop in container shipping cost from Eastern Indonesia (KTI) with direct or direct call from Makassar to 45 countries.
Initially, the average shipping cost of the container was around Rp 4 million per unit to Rp 1.7 million per unit.
President Director of PT Pelindo IV Doso Agung said, before there is direct call, direct export of commodity in KTI must go through the Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang and Tanjung Perak Surabaya. As a result, there is a high cost because the goods experience the loading and unloading process and the queue time is longer.
“Therefore, we are working to build domestic connectivity in the eastern region and strengthen direct exports and direct calls through Makassar Port,” Doso Agung said in a press release on Tuesday (1/8).
With the decrease of shipping cost through Makassar Port, Doso stated, his company targets to export directly to the front can be done through a number of other ports in KTI, such as Ambon in Maluku.
“Now for direct export from eastern Indonesia can not directly from each region like Ambon, but we collect to Makassar first gradually. Later when it is smooth can only be released directly from their respective regions, “he said.
Meanwhile, the Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulawesi), Syahrul Yasin Limpo, said the direct export through the Port of Makassar opens opportunities for larger trade missions.
According to him, the production of farmers and craftsmen of South Sulawesi and KTI can be directly transported from Makassar and exported to 45 countries. Instead, imports can arrive immediately without having to go through the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya or Tanjung Priok Jakarta.
Syahrul added, natural resources (SDA) in eastern Indonesia is ready and live human resources (HR) course that needs to be managed better. He hopes, with connectivity built by Pelindo IV, no more entrepreneurs in South Sulawesi to export and import through Java.
Originally posted on August 2, 2017 @ 9:07 am
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