Posted by on July 9, 2020

Bali Intercont Cargo continued despite the Corona pandemic

DENPASAR, – Panudiana Kuhn’s cargo business still exists in the corona pandemic. However, there was a 50 percent drop in shipments to several countries due to health protocols and conditions of the destination countries struggling against the Covid-19 outbreak.

To, Monday (6/29/2020), businessman Panudiana Kuhn said, until now the sector engaged in shipping services was still running, but not as busy as before Covid-19 spread in Indonesia to Bali.

In recent days, Diana Ratna Surya Cargo, owned by Panudiana, located at Jalan Raya number 168, has sent at least 30 tons of handicraft or handicraft items to the country of New Zealand.

Despite a significant drop in shipments of around 50 percent, he continues to run his business to serve entrepreneurs who need Cargo shipping services to several countries.

“For the interest of foreign tourists towards Balinese society is still relatively high,” said the man who is often called Kuhn.

Some obstacles faced during this pandemic, said Kuhn, were air transportation. The reason is, since flights are restricted, the Cargo business has to send goods by sea and land.

This certainly requires quite a long time for goods to arrive at the destination country.

“We also do the charter system, even though we have to pay dearly, because we are charged the cost of going back and forth, even though we only need to ship but must be paid back and forth,” he added.

When sending this pandemic, he continued to pay attention to health protocols, to ensure the goods received for shipment were free of viruses.

Asked about the Bali Provincial Government’s plan to open the tourism sector on 9 July, Kuhn said he agreed with the discourse. However, while maintaining a health protocol.

He views, in addition to health, the economy of Bali also needs attention. If you work from home for a long time, the community will be stressed. For this reason, public places such as beaches, golf courses, zoos need to be opened slowly.

Thus other businesses will gradually follow, such as restaurants, hotels, villas, and of course this will again absorb the energy that has been laid off for several months.

“Of course health protocols must be carried out strictly,” he cried warning to invite the implementation of health procedures.

In addition, flights also need to be opened in stages, both domestically and internationally. Considering air transportation is a necessity for domestic and international tourists.

“Tourists have missed Bali, if only the flights opened in Bali will be visited by many tourists,” he concluded.

Translated by Aryaputra Pande


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