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Highlights of Mount Agung based on earthexplorer satellite imagery.

TRIBUNBALI.COM, AMLAPURA- After the status of Mount Agung is set to Level IV Caution, the more activities continue to increase. This indicates the magmatic energy of Mount Agung is very large. That means compared to the previous year and month when the monitoring, the earthquake that feels more and more frequent and greater.

“During our monitoring, in September 2017 the earthquake has occurred but not many and not felt.But the last few days, after the status-level IV is set up alert, the number of seismic is increasing and the largest,” explained Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation PVMBG) Kasbani, Monday (25/09/2017) night at the Observation Post of volcano Agung, Rendang Village – Bali.

“Volcanic earthquake more and more, local tectonic earthquake was getting bigger and felt, because before it was not felt,” he added.
With the large number of earthquakes and strongly felt the vibration indicates towards the eruption.

However Kasbani can not confirm when an eruption occurred.
“Yes it is, but asked when (eruption, red) I do not know,” he said.
Again his side explained, the sign of the eruption when the number of volcanic earthquakes more and more, and the occurrence of tremor earthquake.

“Once the volcanic earthquake more and more, then there is a continuous tremor earthquake, this will indicate the eruption,” he explained.
The more and more the magnitude of the earthquake, it asks residents who are still in danger zone immediately stepped aside and are in safe zone.

“We must be vigilant, people who are still in danger zone must come out and look for a safe place, the status is alert, this (eruption, red) can happen every time,” Kasbani appealed.

Translated by Aryputra Pande 

Originally posted on September 26, 2017 @ 9:17 am


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